"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello. Hello. Is this thing on?

Have I been slipping? The past five posts have gotten 0 comments. I know you are out there, so please let me hear an "amen" or "What were you thinking" from time to time.

If there are no comments posted after this encouragement to do so, I will be forced to assume there isn't anyone out there and this post will be erased to hide any embarrassment that could come from your silence. :-)


Deano said...

Yes it is....and keep your opinions coming. Sorry for the delay in response. We will agree to disagree often but keep your insight open and out for everyone. I will be responding soon.

Paul Neel said...

uh... amen, or hello , or uhhh 10-4.

Scott said...

A gold star for each of you.

Welcome Deano. I expect to hear more from you in the future.