"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stressed out?

It is very easy to look at our circumstances and feel overwhelmed. When our son was at Riley’s Children’s Hospital we didn’t know if he would ever come home with us. Not sure if he would ever be able to walk, talk or understand. Another mother also shared her frustration, saying that her full term baby had jaundice and she didn’t know when they would be able to go home. …What?!?! She had no idea what we are going through. Our son was dieing and she was stress out about jaundice.
Perhaps you could compare your situation with hers or ours. If we start making comparisons to justify our “bad day” then we would quickly realize we aren’t doing that poorly after all.

The bottom line is that “stress in relative”. Are we reacting to our situation or are we responding to it? We can go to God and show him the size of our mountain or we can go to our mountain and show it the size of our God.

We can celebrate both the good times along with the bad times. Consider Ben Ownby, who was abducted in January. His abduction triggered not only his own rescue but also the release of Shawn Hornbeck, abducted four years earlier.
God can turn the bad things we go through for good. It is also possible that most of those bad things really aren’t so bad after all.


Joel Potter said...

That's a good word to remember!!! It is so easy to get caught up in the little things in our lives Then we miss the people who have struggles that are often much tougher and need ministry from us.

Bob Carder said...

I used to preach on how to handle stress and then end up being stressed out.

Scott, you live what you speak of.