"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Coach

My son played soccer for the first time a few summers ago. I helped out as the assistant coach (knowing nothing about the game). We had a lot of fun and everyone got to play. As a coach we encouraged, cheered and gave a lot of high fives. We did what we could to improve their skills. Whether they came to practice or not, and regardless if they could kick a ball or not, everyone played and everyone had fun. Sure we worked on the fundamentals but our expectations remained within a 3rd grade level. I can see God as this type of coach. In His mercy, His understanding and His patience. His grace allowed the game to be fun and not stressed by the immaturity and inability of the players. In stark contrast lets look at the coach from the movie Remember the Titans. An all American lineman had only one choice. Do what the coach said, or sit on the bench. If any player fumbled the ball regardless of the circumstance, he ran a mile. No question asked. How many of his players could’ve skipped a practice and then showed up for a game and expected to ever touch the ball. Not a chance. Obedience and commitment are required to perform at this level. This team was molded into State Champions. Can you see God as this type of a coach? I can. God has called us to be Holy Leviticus 19:2. God expects us to grow up in our knowledge and our abilities. Not as babies still on milk, but on solid food 1 Corinthians 3:2. Don’t you think God cares about winning? Of course He does. Why then after years of sitting in our pews are we content with just being a part of the team? It’s time we get to the weight room and pumped some iron, get on a diet to shed that flab, and it’s time to pick up a playbook and learn what it is that were expected to do and then practice it over and over again until we start to get it right. Lets play to win. God will still be there with His grace and His mercy when we fall. But there is little excuse for those who after years of service can’t produce a single piece of fruit to offer to our God.

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