"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Are you ready for change?

Are you in need of a change? Are you ready to set the course of your life, as it is right now? Do you have the courage to say I want to do better? I grew up in the church. When I look back to when I got saved, I remember being six or seven years old, and I simply prayed that if I hadn’t ever said the words before I wanted to be a Christian. This was just a confirmation of what I had believed all my life. I wasn’t turning the course of my life; I was acknowledging the course of my life.

As a teenager, I attended a large bible study. It seemed that everyone who was “on fire” were ex-druggies. They had a life changing experience when they turned to Christ. 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! I envied such an experience. Not that I desired to dive into sin, but rather to feel the joys and the hope of forgiveness. Like the frog in the frying pan, I’ve gotten so comfortable in “the church”. It’s hard to turn from sin that is socially acceptable. Even in the church.

Sin is bigger than the bad stuff I’ve done.
It’s all the stuff I should have done, but failed to do so.

Are you ready for a change? I am. Although I ‘m not sure what that change will look like, I pray that God will resurrect these dry bones into His service.

1 comment:

Matt Maloney said...

I am sure ready to experience that change.
