"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Money to share

When it comes to sharing the gospel, we have all heard (or given) the same excuses, “I’m waiting for the right opportunity” or “I don’t want to offend anyone”. As a matter of illustration, let’s pretend that Bill Gates gets saved and comes to our church next Sunday. He is real excited about his faith and wants to encourage us to share with our friends. He makes us an offer that for every attempt we make to share the gospel with someone he will give each of us $500. It doesn’t matter if they choose to follow Christ, but you must make an honest attempt. How many times will you share your faith the first week? How many the second? Or the third? It’s sad, but I’m afraid that we all might be able to quickly overcome those obstacles that seemed too high to cross the week before. As Christians do we really understand just how important it is to reach the lost? You’ve heard the saying “if you’re too heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good”. I guess I haven’t met anyone yet that has been too heavenly minded. But as for the no earthly good part, I think our quota has already been met. What do we need to do to motivate ourselves get going. The time is short, the rewards are plentiful and the need is great.

1 comment:

Paul Neel said...

Just did a bible study on Jude. verses 22-23 say "Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear" The image and urgency of a fireman suiting up and runing into a burning building and bringing out a victim comes to mind. While true that we cannot save in ourselves; God has made it clear that we are to be active in His rescue plan. Good post!