"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Friday, April 6, 2007

Multi-Level Marketing/Church?

I have been approached several times to join a multi-level marketing organization. Each meeting is filled with the superstars that hit it big. Each were average people like myself and are now they’re driving fancy cars and living in big houses. The formula to their success is laid out in front of me and it seems just to good to be true. All I have to do is just sign up tonight and in just a matter of months I to will be living the high life. I’ve always come back to the same questions for my friendly host, how long have you been involved with this organization? How much money have you made? Since you’ve signed up do really feel you’re climbing the road to success? I’m always greeted by the similar sounding pre rehearsed excuses about it taking time, and that we haven’t really worked very hard at it (but we’re going to). Only after I leave a meeting to find out that same friend went on to his first million in just a short year or so, will I consider the promises to be more than just talk.

Is this how the world looks in on the church? Do we talk a talk that we our selves have not totally bought into? Are we making promises of peace and joy we ourselves do not feel every day? The church doesn’t need to be near perfection to be effective, but we do need to be real with each other and ourselves. The message of Jesus Christ is far beyond our human representation. So lets stop trying to pretend that it is. Let’s be ourselves and be real with people. Real means we don’t always have an answer, We may not always feel or act like we should. If I were an unbeliever I would ask, If you really believe this why haven’t you told me this before. Why haven’t you told lots of people before? These are good question for us to ask ourselves now, because sooner or later we will be asked.

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