"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

So what do you think about the Palm Sunday story? The parade, the palm branches, and the many shouts of praise. Jerusalem was packed during Jesus triumphant entry into the city. I’m sure there were many who had heard of Jesus, but had no personal experience of their own with Him. How exciting it must have been to be there when their new King arrived to establish His kingdom once and for all. Perhaps it was a little odd that He came riding on a donkey, but they say this Jesus is radical and unconventional, so I guess it’s ok for Him to do things differently. The masses rallied together to usher in this new King of theirs. Is it surprising to know that by the end of the week this same crowd cried out for His crucifixion? Not really, it’s easy to follow the crowd. After all He had made that scene just the other day at the temple. Screaming at all the vendors to get out. I guess He must be a troublemaker after all. Public opinions will shift in an instant if there isn’t any foundation to their beliefs. We see this everyday in today’s world. One day we want to go to war the next we want to pull out. We watch as the media spoon feeds us our opinions and tells who is on top this week. We live in a “Christian” nation. Our shallow roots may not be so evident right now but what will happen to the masses if we see a little persecution. Not to long ago two gentlemen from Fox News were captured in Iraq, they simply changed their names and vowed allegiance to Mohammad and all was better. Right? I’m afraid that this “Christian” nation will turn on a dime, just like the people in Jesus time turned on Him. Very soon we maybe approaching troubled times of our own. Our freedoms could be in jeopardy. How will we respond? How will you respond? Now is the time to set our roots firmly into the everlasting Word of God.

1 comment:

Matt Maloney said...

You mean that majority opinion is not always right. I also thought our media is impartial not biased.