"My greatest sin is not what I've done, but rather what I've failed to do"

Monday, April 9, 2007


I was at the gas station the other day filling up our van. Out of the store comes an older gentleman with a walker. He was heading right towards me. As he approached I said hello, wandering if I was supposed to know him. He wanted to thank me for displaying a plate on the front of my van reading "1 GOD". He told me "us Christians need to stick together". We talked for only a few minutes. But when he left, I felt as if I had made a new friend. What a nice old man. When I'm on my motorcycle, I stick out a hand and give a small wave to every motorcyclist I see. Young or old, rough or tame we all are bonded by our love of bikes. How much more should we as Christians be to those around us. In the church, or in the world, why don't we try and take a little extra time to share a smile, or a kind word. You never know just how far a act of kindness can go.

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